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Arjan van Toorenburg (1989)
Being trained as an architect and active as a painter, photographer and poet, I love to express the beauty and intricacy of our world through my work. It wasn't until I started meditating that I came to understand this longing to be a universal one: all my efforts had been directed towards happiness and coming home into our shared nature.

In 2016 I was introduced to meditation and was immediately hooked. As a homecoming to myself, in meditation I found a wellspring of joy, strength, clarity, creativity, peace, beauty and love. All the good stuff was right there all along, waiting to be recognised. The following years (up until today) have been an investigation into the nature of experience through various wisdom traditions like Buddhism, Vipassana, Advaita Vedanta and Tantra. Currently I am based in The Hague from where I spend most of my time creating art and sharing meditation. I am a certified mindfulness meditation teacher and studied with renowned Budhist teachers and phychotherapists Tara Brach PhD and Jack Kornfield. Other inspirations include Rupert Spira and Isaac Shapiro.

The meditation teachings I offer are simple, accessible and rooted in everyday life. They are characterised by Eastern traditions while being rooted in Western psychology and (neuro)science. The emphasis is on awareness of our direct experience, rather than giving conceptual or philosophical frameworks. Bringing unconscious patterns of mind into awareness transforms and inclines our body-minds towards a state of peace and harmony with what is. In meditation there are no experts or beginners, there is only moment to moment experience to bring into awareness and let that transform our lives from within.

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